The following chapters from Paradise Engineering are the accumulation of my research in neuroscience, psychology, philosophy, history, anthropology, linguistic, art, physiology, user experience design and video game design. Enjoy!

Pain is a kind, warm-hearted, loving angel disguised as a cruel, unpleasant, hateful demon. In order to discover the pleasure of pain, you have rip off the demonic disguise and see the real angel inside. In order to do that, you need two ingredients: consent and control.
Chemoreception is the most underappreciated sense. It amplifies all the basic pleasures of life. It is the reason why we keep on living and thriving in a harsh world.
Part 2 of Kinesthetic Pleasure Model. Exploring how vestibular pleasure is pursued all over the world.
The kinesthetic pleasure model is designed like a shield. Find out more why this is the case.
Thermoception Pleasure Model is like a pendulum. Read more to find out why this is the case.
Ocular Pleasure Model contains all the elements of visual pleasure that are deciphered from neuroscience and human behaviors across history. The model is intended to remind designers and artists how to cleverly incorporate pleasure in their inventions.
Human beings are incredibly complex creatures. Sometimes our actions are rational, sometimes they are not. We have the ability to hold multiple contradictory thoughts and motivations at once. Although we are complex, when millions of our actions analyzed, multiple patterns emerge. We can be understood.
What is the secret behind very motivated behaviors?
The formula is in the timing of exactly when the players receive rewards or punishments.