Enjoy the test! When you are answering the questions, let your senses and intuition guide you. No need to think too hard for each question. It is recommended that you do the tests for all the senses. If you want to learn more about the test results or want to ask more questions, contact me: pelconsultingwork@gmail.com, +447423066994.

Sample Test Report: https://my.visme.co/view/jwr9449k-sample-sensory-test-report

Visual Sense (Read More)

Hearing Sense (Read More)

Smell Sense (Read More)

Taste and Chemical Sense (Read More)

Kinesthetic and Balance Sense (Read More)

Touch Sense (Read More)

Temperature Sense (Read More)

Pain Sense (Read More)

Internal Senses (Read More)

Time Sense (Read More)

Spatial Sense