Sensory Pleasure Personality Test

Sensory Pleasure

Find out which senses that you are sensitive to and get the most pleasures

If you want to know more about the test results or want to do the test with my guidance, contact me here.

Visual Sense (Read More)

  • How much pleasure do you get from the visual sense?

    1. Low

    2. Neutral

    3. Moderate

    4. High

  • How sensitive is your visual sense?

    1. Not very sensitive

    2. Neutral

    3. Moderately sensitive

    4. Highly sensitive

  • Do you like visual simplicity or complexity?

    1. As simple as possible

    2. Mostly simple with some complexity

    3. Neutral

    4. Mostly complex with some simplicity

    5. As complex as possible

  • Do you enjoy a variety of colours or monotone colour?

    1. The more colours the better

    2. Balanced amount of colours

    3. One colour is enough or black and white

  • Do you enjoy looking at visual arts? (Drawing, painting, photography, sculpture, video)

    1. Very much

    2. Its nice

    3. Neutral

    4. Not at all

  • Do you have one or more hobbies of visual arts?

    1. Not at all

    2. Used to have one in the past but not anymore

    3. Just one

    4. Many hobbies

  • Do you like going to art museums and galleries?

    1. I love them very much!

    2. I enjoy them sometimes.

    3. Neutral

    4. I don’t like them or they are boring.

  • Do you like seeing beautiful scenes of nature?

    1. Very much

    2. Sometimes

    3. Neutral

    4. Not so

  • Do you enjoy visiting or being in a natural environment such as forests, lakes, deserts, seas?

    1. Love it

    2. It’s nice sometimes

    3. Neutral

    4. Don’t like it

  • Do you feel a sense of awe when seeing spectacular scenes of nature such as vast mountains, coral reefs, the stars in the night sky or seeing spectacular animals like elephants or whales?

    1. Yes, a strong sense of awe

    2. Sometimes

    3. Neutral

    4. No, not really

  • Do you enjoy seeing cute things?

    1. Love them

    2. Like them sometimes

    3. Neutral

    4. Don’t enjoy it

  • Do you like seeing cute animals or baby animals? Do you feel like picking them up and hugging them?

    1. Love them and want to hug them forever

    2. Like them sometimes

    3. Neutral

    4. Don’t like them

  • Do you enjoy having cuddly or furry toys? (Teddy Bears, stuffed toy merchandise)

    1. Love them

    2. Like them sometimes

    3. Neutral

    4. Don’t like them

  • Do you like seeing romantic scenes in films, tv shows etc?

    1. Love them

    2. Like them sometimes

    3. Neutral

    4. Don’t like them

  • Do you enjoy seeing images of attractive women and/or handsome men?

    1. Love them

    2. Like them sometimes

    3. Neutral

    4. Don’t like them

  • Do you enjoy seeing attractive fictional characters that are drawn or animated?

    1. Love seeing them

    2. Maybe sometimes

    3. Neutral

    4. Don’t like them

  • Do you like seeing erotic videos or pornographic media?

    1. Love them

    2. Like them sometimes

    3. Neutral

    4. Don’t like them or find them offensive

  • Do you enjoy seeing sunrise and sunset?

    1. Love them

    2. Like them sometimes

    3. Neutral

    4. Don’t care too much

  • Do you like seeing the rainbow or other spectacular colours in the sky?

    1. Love them

    2. Like them sometimes

    3. Neutral

    4. Don’t like them

  • Do you like seeing light art such as Christmas Lights?

    1. Love them

    2. Like them sometimes

    3. Neutral

    4. Don’t like them

  • Do you like seeing the fireworks?

    1. Love them

    2. Like them sometimes

    3. Neutral

    4. Don’t like them

  • Do you like looking at the mirror often or do you find the mirror inherently fascinating like how light bounces from it?

    1. Love the mirror

    2. Only when I need it

    3. Neutral

    4. Don’t like the mirrors

  • Do you like looking at visual illusions or complex visual patterns?

    1. Love them

    2. Like them sometimes

    3. Neutral

    4. Don’t like them

  • Do you like going to the cinema and immerse oneself in the movie?

    1. Love it a lot

    2. Like it sometimes

    3. Neutral

    4. Don’t like going to the cinema

  • Do you like going to a live theater performance and like seeing the visual tricks of scene changes?

    1. Love them

    2. Like it sometimes

    3. Neutral

    4. Don’t like them

  • Do you like a magic show or a circus show?

    1. Love them

    2. Like it sometimes

    3. Neutral

    4. Don’t enjoy it

  • Do you enjoy seeing aggression and fighting? Such as boxing, martial arts, contact sports, fighting video games etc.

    1. Love them! They are exciting!

    2. Like it sometimes

    3. Neutral

    4. Don’t enjoy it

  • Are you captivated by intense public debates of both political and intellectual kinds?

    1. Love them

    2. Like it sometimes

    3. Neutral

    4. Don’t enjoy it

  • Do you enjoy seeing gore and horrific scenes in scary movies or games?

    1. Love them! The scarier/bloodier the better

    2. Like them sometimes

    3. Neutral

    4. Don’t enjoy it

  • Do you enjoy seeing things destroyed? For example, explosion, burning, breaking things etc.

    1. Love them

    2. Like them sometimes

    3. Neutral

    4. Don’t enjoy it

  • Do you feel like you can’t take your eyes off disgusting things even though you hate them? Like convering your face with your hand but sneaking a look through the fingers.

    1. Yes very much

    2. Sometimes

    3. Neutral

    4. I close my eyes or look away immediately

  • Do you like seeing the things that are cultural taboo or gossip?

    1. Love them

    2. Like them sometimes

    3. Neutral

    4. Don’t enjoy it

  • Do you enjoy seeing familiar things and scenes?

    1. Love them

    2. Like them sometimes

    3. Neutral

    4. Don’t enjoy it

  • Do you enjoy or sensitive to nostalgia? Things that remind you of your childhood or teenage times?

    1. Love any kind of nostalgia

    2. Like them sometimes

    3. Neutral

    4. Don’t care about the past

  • Do you enjoy seeing your childhood toys or gadgets?

    1. Love it

    2. Like it sometimes

    3. Neutral

    4. Don’t like it

  • Do you enjoy seeing familiar faces and people more than seeing new and unfamiliar faces?

    1. Love it

    2. Like it sometimes

    3. Neutral

    4. Don’t mind either

  • Do you enjoy seeing strange and fantastical things? (floating islands, underwater city, land of the dead etc)

    1. Love them

    2. Like them sometimes

    3. Neutral

    4. Don’t like it

  • Do you enjoy seeing mythical creatures and monsters? (dragons, vampires, werewolves, centaurs, immortal beings, pixie, giants etc)

    1. Love them

    2. Like them sometimes

    3. Neutral

    4. Don’t like it

  • Do you enjoy seeing magical things in fairytales? (animals talking, objects talking, moving portraits, transforming things etc)

    1. Love them

    2. Like them sometimes

    3. Neutral

    4. Don’t like it

  • Do you enjoy seeing giant objects or miniaturized objects?

    1. Love the giant objects

    2. Love the miniaturized objects

    3. Like them sometimes

    4. Neutral

    5. Don’t like them

  • Do you like seeing futuristic concepts or technologies of the future?

    1. Love them

    2. Like them sometimes

    3. Neutral

    4. Don’t like them

Hearing Sense (Read More)

  • How much pleasure do you get from the hearing sense in general?

    1. Low

    2. Neutral

    3. Moderate

    4. High

  • How sensitive is your hearing sense?

    1. Highly sensitive

    2. Moderately sensitive

    3. Neutral

    4. Not sensitive

  • How sensitive are you to background noise?

    1. Very sensitive

    2. Sometimes when it is too loud and disruptive

    3. Neutral

    4. Not sensitive

  • Can you hear a sound from far away?

    1. Very far away

    2. Moderately far

    3. Normal

    4. Not very far

  • Are you emotionally sensitive to sounds and music?

    1. Very emotionally sensitive

    2. Moderately sensitive

    3. Normal

    4. Not very sensitive

  • Do you stick to the type of music you like or do you enjoy exploring a variety of musical genres?

    1. I stick to what I like

    2. I update my music every now and then

    3. I like exploring a wide variety of musical genres or artists

  • Do you like popular songs or all kinds of indie songs?

    1. Popular is the best

    2. I like both popular and some independent songs

    3. I like only indie and independent songs

  • Do you enjoy listening to classical music/ instrumental music?

    1. Love it a lot

    2. Like it sometimes

    3. Neutral

    4. Don’t like it

  • Do you enjoy listening to slower songs or quicker songs?

    1. Love the quick songs

    2. Love the slower songs

    3. Neutral

    4. I like them both

    5. Don’t like either

  • Do you get goosebumps when listening to a song you like a lot?

    1. Yes very much

    2. Sometimes when I am relaxed

    3. Neutral

    4. I don’t get goosebumps

  • Do you enjoy setting the mood with music for all kinds of occassion?

    1. Yes very much

    2. Sometimes

    3. Neutral

    4. Don’t like it

  • Do you enjoy participating in music rituals for spritiual/religious connection?

    1. Yes very much

    2. Sometimes

    3. Neutral

    4. Don’t like it

  • Do you enjoy playing an instrument? One or more?

    1. Yes multiple instruments

    2. Yes just one instrument

    3. I used to but not anymore

    4. No, I can’t play an instrument nor am I planning to learn one.

  • Do you enjoy singing or performing music in front of an audience?

    1. Yes I love it a lot to perform music

    2. Yes sometimes in front of people I know

    3. Neutral

    4. I sing or perform only for myself

    5. I don’t enjoy it

  • Do you like background soundtracks from movies, tv shows, video games, anime etc?

    1. Yes I love them very much

    2. Like them sometimes

    3. Neutral

    4. Don’t like them

  • Do you enjoy hearing the sounds of natural environments?

    1. Love them a lot

    2. Like them sometimes

    3. Neutral

    4. Don’t care abou them

  • Do you like hearing the sounds of human made environments such as city soundscapes?

    1. Love them

    2. Like them sometimes

    3. Neutral

    4. Don’t like them

  • Do you like hearing the sounds of animals like birds chirping or animal calls?

    1. Love them

    2. Like them sometimes

    3. Neutral

    4. Don’t like them

  • Can you focus/relax better with total silence, music or some kind of white noise in the background?

    1. Total silence is best for focus and relaxation

    2. Some silence with quiet non-intrusive noise is fine

    3. White noise is required to focus

    4. White noise of natural sounds (e.g. raining) is the best

    5. I focus/relax better with music

    6. Neutral

  • Are you bothered by machine humming sounds? (laptop, tv, referigerator, AC etc)

    1. Yes very much

    2. Sometimes

    3. Neutral

    4. I don’t mind

  • Do you enjoy hearing very loud sounds such as fireworks, firecrackers, explosions etc?

    1. Love them

    2. Like them occasionally

    3. Neutral

    4. Don’t like them

  • Do you feel more motivated by listening to certain songs or sounds?

    1. Yes very much

    2. Neutral

    3. Not really. My motivation isn’t affected by sounds of any kind

  • Do you enjoy listening to a variety of languages?

    1. Yes all languages are interesting and enjoyable

    2. Some languges are enjoyable

    3. Most languages are annoying to my ears

    4. Neutral

    5. I only enjoy hearing my mother language

  • Do you enjoy listening to different accents of your mother/main language?

    1. All the accents are enjoyable to listen to

    2. Some accents are more attractive than others

    3. Neutral

    4. I dislike all the accents that are not similar to mine

  • Do you feel a strong attraction for a certain accent?

    1. Yes very much

    2. Sometimes

    3. Neutral

    4. Not at all

  • Do you like or learn best from listening to podcasts or audiobooks?

    1. Love them

    2. Like them sometimes

    3. Neutral

    4. Don’t like them

  • Is the voice important to you regarding attraction in a lover?

    1. I find a certain kind of voice very attractive

    2. Neutral

    3. Voice is not important to attraction

  • Are you captivated by voices of certain famous people such as leaders, celebrities, voice actors etc? (Not the singing voice, just their speaking voice)

    1. Love some of the voices

    2. Like them sometimes

    3. Neutral

    4. Don’t care about the voices

  • Are you emotionally sensitive to the tone of a person’s voice?

    1. Yes very much

    2. Moderately sensitive

    3. Neutral

    4. Not sensitive at all

  • Do you enjoy listening to public speeches and lectures?

    1. Love them

    2. Like them sometimes

    3. Neutral

    4. Don’t like them

  • Do you enjoy going to concerts or other musical performances?

    1. Love them

    2. Like them sometimes

    3. Neutral

    4. Don’t like them

  • Do you enjoy going to a jazz club?

    1. Love them

    2. Like them sometimes

    3. Neutral

    4. Don’t like them

  • Do you enjoy stand-up comedy shows?

    1. Love them

    2. Like them sometimes

    3. Neutral

    4. Don’t like them

  • Do you enjoy laughing loudly or laughing softly?

    1. I love laughing loudly

    2. I love laughing softly

    3. Depends on the context and humour

    4. I don’t mind either

    5. I don’t like laughing

  • Do you enjoy a deeper meaning from religious hymns, prayers, songs and rituals?

    1. Love them

    2. Like them sometimes

    3. Neutral

    4. Don’t like them

  • Do you enjoy writing or hearing poetry?

    1. Love them

    2. Like them sometimes

    3. Neutral

    4. Don’t like them

Smell, Taste and Chemical Senses (Read More)

  • How much pleasure do you get from smell in general?

    1. Low

    2. Neutral

    3. Moderate

    4. High

  • How sensitive is your nose?

    1. Highly sensitive

    2. Moderately sensitive

    3. Neutral

    4. Not sensitive

  • How much pleasure do you get from taste in general?

    1. Low

    2. Neutral

    3. Moderate

    4. High

  • How sensitive is your tongue?

    1. Highly sensitive (supertaster)

    2. Moderately sensitive

    3. Normal

    4. Not very sensitive (non-taster)

  • How much pleasure do you get from the chemical sense? (for example: spiciness, mint coolness, acidity, pungency, tang etc)

    1. Low

    2. Neutral

    3. Moderate

    4. High

  • How sensitive is your chemical sense?

    1. Highly sensitive

    2. Moderately sensitive

    3. Neutral

    4. Not very sensitive

  • How disgust sensitive are you to bad odours in the environment?

    1. Highly sensitive

    2. Moderately sensitive

    3. Neutral

    4. Not very sensitive

  • Do you find new and unfamiliar odours exciting or put off by them?

    1. Yes I explore more about them

    2. Sometimes if they smell good

    3. Neutral

    4. I don’t like unfamiliar smells

  • Do you need to have nice ambient smells in the immediate surroundings to set a certain mood?

    1. Yes always! I enjoy them a lot.

    2. Sometimes if it’s possible

    3. Neutral

    4. I don’t really care about it

  • Do you like scented candles in your house?

    1. Love them

    2. Sometimes to set a mood

    3. Neutral

    4. Don’t like them

  • Do you enjoy using perfumes or cologne for yourself?

    1. Yes very much

    2. Sometimes for important occasion

    3. Neutral

    4. Not at all

  • Do you enjoy smelling perfumes or cologne from another person?

    1. Yes very much

    2. Sometimes if I really like the smell

    3. Neutral

    4. Not at all

  • Do you feel like you like the person more when their perfumes smell good?

    1. Yes very much

    2. Sometimes

    3. Neutral

    4. They are unrelated

  • Is the scent of a person important to you when it comes to attraction?

    1. Yes it’s very important

    2. Sometimes when I notice it

    3. Neutral

    4. Not important

  • Do you enjoy smelling flowers and fruits?

    1. Yes very much

    2. Sometimes

    3. Neutral

    4. I don’t enjoy it

  • Do you have a secret fetish for two or more of certain smells? (smell of leather, smell of new books, smell of fresh clothes etc)

    1. Yes I really like two or more smells

    2. Maybe I like one

    3. Neutral

    4. I don’t have any fetishes for smells

  • Do you enjoy engaging with aromatherapy?

    1. Yes very much

    2. Sometimes

    3. Neutral

    4. Not really

  • Do you enjoy eating a variety of cuisines or the same kind you like every day?

    1. I enjoy as many variety as possible

    2. I enjoy a combination of some variety and some routine meals

    3. Neutral

    4. I only stick to what I like every day

  • Do you enjoy cooking at home?

    1. Love it

    2. Like it sometimes

    3. Neutral

    4. I don’t enjoy cooking

  • Do you enjoy experimenting with different combinations of flavours in a meal?

    1. I love experimenting

    2. Sometimes when I feel like it

    3. Neutral

    4. I don’t enjoy experimenting and failing

  • Do you enjoy baking at home?

    1. Love it

    2. Like it sometimes

    3. Neutral

    4. I don’t like it

  • Do you believe food is just an energy source or food is a source of personal pleasure?

    1. Yes food is a source of personal pleasure

    2. Sometimes it’s both

    3. Neutral

    4. Food is just a mean to an end

  • Do you have a guilty pleasure for junk and sweet foods?

    1. Love junk food

    2. Love sweet foods

    3. Like them sometimes

    4. Neutral

    5. Don’t like them

  • Do you enjoy eating healthy foods?

    1. Love it

    2. Like them sometimes

    3. Neutral

    4. Don’t like them

  • Do you often crave for sweet foods or meat?

    1. I crave for sweet foods

    2. I crave for meats

    3. I crave for both

    4. Neutral

    5. Don’t have such cravings

  • Do you enjoy the act of chewing and slowly savouring the meal? Or devouring the food quickly?

    1. Love savouring the food

    2. Neutral

    3. Love eating quickly

    4. Don’t mind either

  • Do you enjoy doing a taste test on any unfamiliar objects like a baby?

    1. Love it

    2. Sometimes I like it

    3. Neutral

    4. I don’t like it or I find it disgusting

  • Do you enjoy spicy foods or strong flavours?

    1. Love them very much

    2. Like it sometimes

    3. Moderate flavours is enough

    4. Neutral

    5. I don’t like them

  • Do you enjoy subtle less intense flavours?

    1. Love them

    2. Like it sometimes

    3. Neutral

    4. Don’t like them

  • Which taste do you like the most in food? Choose the ones applicable.

    1. Love salty foods

    2. Love sweet foods

    3. Love bitter foods

    4. Love sour foods

    5. Love umami rich foods

    6. Like them all

    7. Don’t mind any

  • Do you believe nice smells are associated with high status and bad smells are associated with low status?

    1. Yes obviously

    2. Sometimes it is

    3. Neutral

    4. I don’t think so

  • Do your memories activate vividly when you smell or taste something from the past?

    1. Yes I become immersed in the memory

    2. Sometimes but not strongly

    3. Neutral

    4. I never had this experience

  • Do you enjoy sharing foods with others like your family and friends? Do you enjoy a social meal?

    1. Yes I love eating with everyone

    2. Sometimes when I feel like it

    3. Neutral

    4. I like eating food on my own

  • How important is a balanced nutrition in your life?

    1. Very important! I am always mindful of what I eat

    2. Sometimes it’s important for my health

    3. Neutral

    4. I don’t really care about nutrition as long as it is tasty

  • Does the food taste better when eating with your hand or the cutlery?

    1. Yes it tastes better with the hand

    2. Sometimes depends on the type of food

    3. Neutral

    4. No, it tastes better with cutlery

  • Do you enjoy drinking and tasting different alcoholic drinks? Wine, beer, cocktails etc.

    1. Love it

    2. Sometimes

    3. Neutral

    4. Not at all

Kinesthetic and Balance Sense (Read More)

  • How much pleasure do you get from the kinesthetic sense?

    1. High

    2. Moderate

    3. Neutral

    4. Low

  • How sensitive is your kinesthetic sense?

    1. Highly sensitive

    2. Moderately sensitive

    3. Neutral

    4. Not sensitive

  • Do you have a strong desire to move your body because you feel restless?

    1. Yes very much

    2. Sometimes I do

    3. Neutral

    4. I don’t have a strong desire like this

  • How important is having a comfortable level of personal space around yourself?

    1. Yes personal space is very important for me

    2. Sometimes I allow a few special people to enter my personal space

    3. Neutral

    4. I like being close to people, even strangers

  • Do you enjoy dancing by yourself?

    1. Love it

    2. Sometimes

    3. Neutral

    4. Don’t like it

  • Do you enjoy dancing with a partner or with a group?

    1. Love it

    2. Sometimes when possible

    3. Neutral

    4. Don’t like it

  • Do you enjoy seeing dance performances? (ballet shows, street dancing, hip hop etc)

    1. Love it

    2. Sometimes

    3. Neutral

    4. Don’t like it

  • Do you enjoy doing martial arts?

    1. Love it

    2. Sometimes

    3. Neutral

    4. Don’t like it

  • Do you enjoy watching martial arts? (UFC, Bruce Lee movies, Jackie Chan, John Wick etc)

    1. Love it

    2. Sometimes

    3. Neutal

    4. Don’t like it

  • Do you enjoy doing gymnastic?

    1. Love it

    2. Sometimes

    3. Neutral

    4. Don’t like it

  • Do you enjoy watching the Olympics?

    1. Love it

    2. Sometimes

    3. Neutral

    4. Don’t like it

  • Do you enjoy doing Yoga?

    1. Love it

    2. Sometimes

    3. Neutral

    4. Don’t like it

  • Do you enjoy doing all kinds of sports?

    1. Love it

    2. Sometimes

    3. Neutral

    4. Don’t like it

  • Do you enjoy doing worship rituals in your religion?

    1. Love it

    2. Sometimes

    3. Neutral

    4. Don’t like it

  • Do you enjoy exercising in general?

    1. Love it

    2. Sometimes

    3. Neutral

    4. Don’t like it

  • Do you enjoy using tools to accomplish your everyday tasks or in sports? (knife, spoon, tennis racket, football, sword etc.)

    1. Love it

    2. Sometimes

    3. Neutral

    4. Don’t like it

  • Do you feel like the tool becomes a part of your body? Especially when you have mastered the tool.

    1. Yes very much

    2. Sometimes I do

    3. Neutral

    4. Not at all

  • Do you enjoy riding a horse or any other animal?

    1. Yes very much

    2. Sometimes I do

    3. Neutral

    4. Not at all

  • Do you feel like the animal becomes an extension of your body?

    1. Yes very much

    2. Sometimes I do

    3. Neutral

    4. Not at all

  • Can you feel the animal’s intentions when you are riding it?

    1. Yes very much

    2. Sometimes

    3. Neutral

    4. Not at all

  • Do you enjoy driving a vehicle? (car, boat, motorcycle, plane, bicycle etc.)

    1. Yes very much

    2. Sometimes I do

    3. Neutral

    4. Not at all

  • Do you feel like the vehicle becoming one with your body?

    1. Yes very much

    2. Sometimes I do

    3. Neutral

    4. Not at all

  • Do you feel angry when your car gets bumped by something? (another car, cyclist, people)

    1. Yes very much

    2. Sometimes if its serious

    3. Neutral

    4. Not at all

  • Do you enjoy controlling the virtual avatar in video games?

    1. Yes very much

    2. Sometimes I do

    3. Neutral

    4. Not at all

  • Do you feel your sense of self combining with the avatar?

    1. Yes very much

    2. Sometimes I do

    3. Neutral

    4. Not at all

  • Do you feel more immersed in first-person perspective games?

    1. Yes very much

    2. Sometimes I do

    3. Neutral

    4. Not at all/ I like third-person perspective more

  • Do you enjoy balancing yourself on one leg or on an uneven surface? (Read More)

    1. Yes very much

    2. Sometimes I do

    3. Neutral

    4. Not at all

  • Do you enjoy swimming and balancing yourself in the water?

    1. Yes very much

    2. Sometimes I do

    3. Neutral

    4. Not at all

  • Do you enjoy diving in the water?

    1. Yes very much

    2. Sometimes I do

    3. Neutral

    4. Not at all

  • Do you enjoy skateboarding, ice skating and other similar activities?

    1. Yes very much

    2. Sometimes I do

    3. Neutral

    4. Not at all

  • Do you enjoy climbing? (trees, walls, mountain climbing)

    1. Yes very much

    2. Sometimes I do

    3. Neutral

    4. Not at all

  • Do you enjoy the feeling of acceleration? (driving a fast car, a plane about to take off, snowboarding down a slope etc)

    1. Yes very much

    2. Sometimes I do

    3. Neutral

    4. Not at all

  • Do you enjoy getting on the amusement park rides?

    1. Yes very much

    2. Sometimes I do

    3. Neutral

    4. Not at all

  • Do you enjoy racing video games or racing with a real car?

    1. Yes very much

    2. Sometimes I do

    3. Neutral

    4. Not at all

  • Do you enjoy flying in the air? (base jumping, sky diving, paragliding, wing suiting etc)

    1. Yes very much

    2. Sometimes I do

    3. Neutral

    4. Not at all

  • Do you feel thrilled by the feeling of falling?

    1. Yes very much

    2. Sometimes I do

    3. Neutral

    4. I hate the feeling of falling

  • Do you enjoy doing stunts and parkour?

    1. Yes very much

    2. Sometimes I do

    3. Neutral

    4. Not at all

  • Do you enjoy surface water sports? (surfing, kiting, rowing etc.)

    1. Yes very much

    2. Sometimes I do

    3. Neutral

    4. Not at all

Touch Sense (Read More)

  • How much pleasure do you get from the touch sense?

    1. High

    2. Moderate

    3. Neutral

    4. Low

  • How sensitive is your touch sense?

    1. Highly sensitive

    2. Moderately sensitive

    3. Neutral

    4. Not sensitive

  • Do you have many sensitive areas on your skin and body that you enjoy being touched and stimulated? (Apart from the obvious ones)

    1. Yes I have many areas

    2. Just a few areas

    3. Neutral

    4. Not many areas

  • Do you have a strong need to be touched by loved ones regularly?

    1. Yes I have a very strong need

    2. Sometimes when I desire it

    3. Neutral

    4. I don’t like being touched

  • Do you feel like you are not getting enough touch stimulation in your life?

    1. Yes I am not getting enough

    2. Sometimes when I am busy

    3. Neutral

    4. No, I am getting enough touch

  • Do you feel more lonely when you don’t receive enough touch?

    1. Yes very much

    2. Sometimes when I don’t receive for a long time

    3. Neutral

    4. Not at all

  • If someone is in distress, do you feel like comforting them with a hug or soft touch?

    1. Yes I do it all the time

    2. Sometimes only to people I know very well like my lover or children

    3. Neutral

    4. No, I don’t do it

  • Do you enjoy hugging?

    1. Yes I love it! I regularly hug both my family, lover, friends and even strangers.

    2. Yes sometimes and only to family, friends and lover

    3. Neutral

    4. No, I don’t enjoy hugging too much

  • Do you enjoy touching soft and cozy textures in clothing, pillows, furniture etc?

    1. Yes very much

    2. Sometimes

    3. Neutral

    4. The textures don’t concern me

  • Is physical comfort important to you?

    1. Yes very important

    2. Sometimes when I can afford it

    3. Neutral

    4. It’s not important

  • When you come across an unfamiliar object, do you enjoy exploring it with your fingers and touch?

    1. Yes very much

    2. Sometimes

    3. Neutral

    4. Not really

  • Do you enjoy dismantling things and putting it back together?

    1. Yes very much

    2. Sometimes or I used to do it when I was young

    3. Neutral

    4. Not really

  • When you go to a museum, do you have a strong need to touch the artifacts?

    1. Yes very much! Why don’t they allow it?

    2. Sometimes when the object is very interesting

    3. Neutral

    4. Not at all

  • Do you enjoy having a good scratch on an itchy patch of skin?

    1. Yes very much

    2. Sometimes

    3. Neutral

    4. Not at all

  • Do you enjoy scratching your back or having someone scratch your back?

    1. Yes very much

    2. Sometimes

    3. Neutral

    4. Not at all

  • How ticklish are you?

    1. Very ticklish

    2. Somewhat

    3. Neutral

    4. Not really

  • Do you have many ticklish areas on your body?

    1. Yes many

    2. A few

    3. Just one area

    4. Neutral

    5. None

  • Do you enjoy being tickled?

    1. Yes very much

    2. Sometimes

    3. Neutral

    4. Not at all

  • Do you enjoy being caressed or softly touched?

    1. Yes very much

    2. Sometimes

    3. Neutral

    4. Not at all

  • Do you enjoy caressing someone close to you?

    1. Yes very much

    2. Sometimes

    3. Neutral

    4. Not at all

  • Do you enjoy stroking the fur of an animal?

    1. Yes very much

    2. Sometimes

    3. Neutral

    4. Not at all

  • How much do you enjoy making love?

    1. Yes very much

    2. Sometimes only when I am in the mood

    3. Neutral

    4. Not at all

  • How often do you need to make love?

    1. Very often

    2. Sometimes

    3. Neutral

    4. Not often

  • Do you enjoy a variety of techniques when making love or stick to what you like?

    1. Yes as many varieties as possible

    2. Sometimes when I am feeling adventurous

    3. Neutral

    4. I stick to a few techniques I like

  • Do you enjoy more soft and gentle or more roughness?

    1. More soft and gentle

    2. More roughness

    3. Both depending on the mood

    4. A balance between the soft and rough

    5. Neutral

  • Do you enjoy touching and kissing your lover regularly in everyday moments?

    1. Yes I do it very often

    2. Sometimes when I am in the mood

    3. Neutral

    4. Not really

  • Do you enjoy being affectionate in public?

    1. Yes very much

    2. Sometimes when no one is looking

    3. Neutral

    4. No, I don’t like it

  • Do you enjoy being massagged?

    1. Yes very much

    2. Sometimes and only by people I know very well

    3. Neutral

    4. I don’t like it

  • Do you enjoy massaging someone?

    1. Yes very much

    2. Sometimes and only to people I know very well

    3. Neutral

    4. Don’t like it

Temperature Sense (Read More)

  • How much pleasure do you get from the temperature sense?

    1. High

    2. Moderate

    3. Neutral

    4. Low

  • How sensitive is your temperature sense?

    1. Highly sensitive

    2. Moderately sensitive

    3. Neutral

    4. Not sensitive

  • How sensitive are you to the hotness?

    1. Highly sensitive

    2. Moderately sensitive

    3. Neutral

    4. Not sensitive

  • How sensitive are you to the cold?

    1. Highly sensitive

    2. Moderately sensitive

    3. Neutral

    4. Not sensitive

  • Do you enjoy being in a warmer climate?

    1. Love it

    2. Sometimes

    3. Neutral

    4. Don’t like it

  • Do you enjoy being in a cooler climate?

    1. Love it

    2. Sometimes

    3. Neutral

    4. Don’t like it

  • Do you enjoy being out in the rain?

    1. Yes very much

    2. Sometimes

    3. Neutral

    4. Don’t like it

  • What’s your ideal temperature of an indoor space?

    1. Slightly warmer than average

    2. Slightly cooler than average

    3. Neutral

    4. I don’t mind as long as I am comfortable

  • Do you enjoy sunbathing?

    1. Love it

    2. Sometimes

    3. Neutral

    4. Don’t like it

  • Do you enjoy eating something cold like ice cream during hot weather?

    1. Love it

    2. Sometimes

    3. Neutral

    4. Don’t like it

  • Do you enjoy dipping in a cold lake?

    1. Love it

    2. Sometimes

    3. Neutral

    4. Don’t like it

  • Do you enjoy going to the beach?

    1. Yes I love it

    2. Sometimes

    3. Neutral

    4. Not at all

  • Do you enjoy drinking something hot during cold weather?

    1. Love it

    2. Sometimes

    3. Neutral

    4. Don’t like it

  • Do you enjoy a warm shower or a colder shower?

    1. I like a warm shower

    2. I like a cold shower

    3. Depending on the day

    4. Neutral

    5. I don’t mind

  • Do you enjoy relaxing in a long bath session especially after a stressful day?

    1. Love it

    2. Sometimes

    3. Neutral

    4. Don’t like it

  • Do you have a strong desire to hug and cuddle with your loved one when the weather is cold or rainy?

    1. Yes I do have a strong desire

    2. Sometimes when I really want it

    3. Neutral

    4. Don’t like it

  • Do you enjoy touching warmer textures in an object?

    1. Love it

    2. Sometimes

    3. Neutral

    4. Don’t like it

  • Do you enjoy touching cooler textures in an object?

    1. Love it

    2. Sometimes

    3. Neutral

    4. Don’t like it

  • Do you enjoy playing with the snow?

    1. Love it

    2. Sometimes

    3. Neutral

    4. Don’t like it

  • Do you enjoy the feeling of a cool breeze on your skin in a hot weather?

    1. Love it

    2. Sometimes

    3. Neutral

    4. Don’t like it

  • How often do you clean yourself every day? (Personal hygiene, cleansing rituals)

    1. Many times

    2. A few times

    3. Once

    4. Neutral

  • Do you enjoy going to a bathhouse, a spa resort, a hot spring etc?

    1. Love it

    2. Sometimes

    3. Neutral

    4. Don’t like it

  • Do you enjoy going to a sauna?

    1. Love it

    2. Sometimes

    3. Neutral

    4. Don’t like it

  • Do you enjoy doing a barbecue party? Maybe with a bonfire too.

    1. Love it

    2. Sometimes

    3. Neutral

    4. Don’t like it

  • Do you enjoy using heat packs or ice packs to soothe your sore muscles?

    1. Love it

    2. Sometimes

    3. Neutral

    4. Don’t like it

  • Do you enjoy engaging in sensory arousal using heat and cold?

    1. Love it

    2. Sometimes

    3. Neutral

    4. Don’t like it

Pain Sense (Read More)

  • How much pleasure do you get from pain?

    1. High

    2. Moderate

    3. Neutral

    4. Low

  • How sensitive is your pain sensation?

    1. Highly sensitive

    2. Moderately sensitive

    3. Neutral

    4. Not sensitive

  • Do you dislike pain in general?

    1. Yes very much

    2. Yes because my pain is chronic

    3. Sometimes when it is too much

    4. Neutral

    5. I don’t mind the pain

  • Are you preoccupied with avoiding pain?

    1. Yes very much

    2. Sometimes

    3. Neutral

    4. Not really

  • Do you feel a strong momentary pleasure when being relieved from a pain sensation?

    1. Yes I do

    2. Sometimes

    3. Neutral

    4. Not at all

  • Do you believe mental/emotional pain is just as bad as physical pain, or worse?

    1. Mental pain is worse

    2. It’s just as bad

    3. Neutral

    4. Physical pain is worse

  • Do you feel a strong heartache when you are far apart from your family or lover?

    1. Yes very much

    2. Sometimes when I miss them a lot

    3. Neutral

    4. Not really, I am good at coping

  • Do you feel a strong feeling of excitement and pleasure when reuniting with your family or lover after a long separation?

    1. Yes very much

    2. A moderate feeling of excitement

    3. Neutral

    4. Not really, I feel neutral

  • Do you enjoy the feeling of runner’s high after a long exercise or a gym session?

    1. Yes very much

    2. Sometimes

    3. Neutral

    4. Not at all

  • Do you actively use pain to guide your physical growth and exercise?

    1. Yes I do

    2. Sometimes

    3. Neutral

    4. Not at all

  • Do you hit yourself to focus your mind especially when you are mind wandering?

    1. Yes I do

    2. Sometimes

    3. Neutral

    4. Not at all

  • Do you actively cause pain on your body when you are feeling a strong anxiety?

    1. Yes I do

    2. Sometimes

    3. Neutral

    4. Not at all

  • Do you enjoy incorporating pain during love making?

    1. Yes I do regularly

    2. Sometimes to highten the sensations

    3. Neutral

    4. Not at all

  • Do you enjoy causing pain to a consented partner?

    1. Love it

    2. Sometimes

    3. Neutral

    4. Not at all

  • Do you enjoy receiving pain with your explicit consent?

    1. Love it

    2. Sometimes

    3. Neutral

    4. Not at all

  • Do you enjoy a more intense massage session where it is likely to cause some pain?

    1. Love it

    2. Sometimes

    3. Neutral

    4. Not at all

  • Do you enjoy participating in religious rituals that will cause pain and sharing the experience with others?

    1. Love it

    2. Sometimes

    3. Neutral

    4. Not at all

  • Do you enjoy playing difficult games and fight through many failures? (Dark Souls, Elden Ring etc)

    1. Love it

    2. Sometimes

    3. Neutral

    4. Not at all

  • Do you feel positively challenged/motivated by the pain of failure?

    1. Yes very much

    2. Sometimes when I am into it

    3. Neutral

    4. Not really, I get demotivated by failure

Internal Bodily Senses

  • How much pleasure do you get from interoception?

    1. High

    2. Moderate

    3. Neutral

    4. Low

  • How sensitive is your interoception?

    1. Highly sensitive

    2. Moderately sensitive

    3. Neutral

    4. Low sensitive

  • Do you notice your internal signals often? (heartbeat, stomach movement, breathing, blood pressure, muscle tension, aching etc.)

    1. Yes very often

    2. Sometimes

    3. Neutral

    4. Not really

  • Do you notice your internal signals during an emotional event?

    1. Yes I do

    2. Sometimes

    3. Neutral

    4. Not at all

  • Do you notice and listen to your gut reactions during different circumstances?

    1. Yes I listen to it all the time

    2. Sometimes when its helpful

    3. Neutral

    4. Not at all

  • Do you value intuition that arises from your bodily signals?

    1. Yes I value it a lot

    2. Sometimes

    3. Neutral

    4. Not at all

  • Do you notice a feeling of heaviness on your chest or stomach when you are feeling anxiety?

    1. Yes I do

    2. Sometimes

    3. Neutral

    4. Not at all

  • Do you feel like you are suffocating when you are in indoors for too long?

    1. Yes very much

    2. Sometimes

    3. Neutral

    4. I don’t mind

  • Do you enjoy breathing deeply to the fresh natural air?

    1. Yes very much

    2. Sometimes

    3. Neutral

    4. I don’t mind

  • Do you enjoy the feeling of stomach fullness after a good meal? Especially if you have been very hungry.

    1. Yes very much

    2. Sometimes

    3. Neutral

    4. I don’t mind

  • Do you enjoy the feeling of drinking a lot of water after you have been thirsty for hours?

    1. Yes very much

    2. Sometimes

    3. Neutral

    4. I don’t mind

  • Do you enjoy the unique feeling of falling in love or being around someone you find attractive? (Butterflies in the chest and stomach, faster heartbeats)

    1. Yes very much

    2. Sometimes when I am in a good mood

    3. Neutral

    4. I don’t mind

  • Do you find it difficult to ignore when your body naturally feel high libido signals at certain times?

    1. Yes very difficult

    2. Somewhat

    3. Neutral

    4. No, I don’t feel such signals

  • Do you enjoy the feeling of alcohol or recreational drugs acting on your internal body?

    1. Yes very much

    2. Sometimes

    3. Neutral

    4. I don’t mind

  • How sensitive is your stomach to food poisoning and other intoxicants?

    1. Highly sensitive

    2. Moderately sensitive

    3. Neutral

    4. Low sensitive

  • Do you enjoy healthy bowel movements or good stomach health?

    1. Yes very much

    2. Sometimes

    3. Neutral

    4. Not really

  • Do you enjoy the feeling of releasing after holding it in for too long?

    1. Yes very much

    2. Sometimes

    3. Neutral

    4. Not really

Sense of Time (Read More)

  • How much pleasure do you get from sense of time?

    1. High

    2. Moderate

    3. Neutral

    4. Low

  • How sensitive is your sense of time?

    1. Highly sensitive

    2. Moderately sensitive

    3. Neutral

    4. Low sensitive

  • Do you structure your time every day or do you go with the flow?

    1. Yes I structure it every day

    2. Sometimes when I need to be more productive

    3. Neutral

    4. No, I mostly go with the flow

  • Do you feel it important to sleep at the same time and wake up at the same time every day?

    1. Yes it’s essential

    2. Sometimes during work days

    3. Neutral

    4. No, I sleep whenever I want and wake up whenever I want

  • Do you feel anxiety when looking at the clocks in general?

    1. Yes they give me anxiety

    2. Sometimes

    3. Neutral

    4. Not really

  • Do you feel your time disrupted by changing the daylight saving time?

    1. Yes it is very disruptive

    2. Sometimes

    3. Neutral

    4. Not really

  • Do you feel seasonal affective disorder due to low sunlight in the winter?

    1. I feel it every winter

    2. Sometimes

    3. Neutral

    4. Not really

  • How much do you enjoy sleeping?

    1. I love sleeping

    2. Sometimes when I am tired

    3. Neutral

    4. Sleep is a waste of time

  • Are you a night person or a morning person?

    1. I am a night person.

    2. I am a morning person.

    3. I can be both

    4. I am neither and flexible

  • Do you enjoy eating at the same time every day?

    1. Yes I do

    2. Sometimes when it’s not hectic

    3. Neutral

    4. Not at all

  • Does your general mood changes with the seasonal cycles?

    1. Yes definitely

    2. Sometimes

    3. Neutral

    4. Not at all

  • How sensitive is your mood, aggression and energy level to hormonal cycles? (Menstrual cycle for women and testosterone cycle for men)

    1. Highly sensitive

    2. Moderately sensitive

    3. Neutral

    4. Not at all

  • Do you enjoy taking a nap in the afternoon or do you rather take coffee and continue your activities?

    1. I love taking naps

    2. Sometimes

    3. Neutral

    4. I rather take coffee

  • How reliant are you on coffee every day?

    1. Very reliant

    2. Sometimes when I need it

    3. Neutral

    4. I don’t or rarely drink coffee

  • Do you plan things spontaneously or plan things ahead of time? (trips, birthday parties or other special events)

    1. I am more spontaneous

    2. I plan things ahead

    3. Depends on the situation

    4. I don’t mind either

  • Do you procrastinate by doing things at the last minute or do you slowly do it over time with discipline?

    1. I am a master procrastinator

    2. I do it over time

    3. Sometimes depends on the tasks

    4. Neutral

  • How fast is your reaction time in general?

    1. Very fast

    2. Somewhat fast

    3. Neutral

    4. Not very fast

  • Do you enjoy playing games that test your reaction time? (Video games, sports, board games etc)

    1. Love it

    2. Somewhat

    3. Neutral

    4. Not at all

  • Do you have a strong sense of rhythm?

    1. Yes I do

    2. Somewhat

    3. Neutral

    4. Not at all

  • Do you enjoy moving your body to the sense of rhythm? (dancing, tapping your foot to music, moving with the crowd at a concert etc)

    1. Love it

    2. Sometimes

    3. Neutral

    4. Not at all

  • Do you feel more pleasure doing your everyday activities in a rhythm? (walking, running, speaking and other private activities)

    1. Yes a lot more pleasure

    2. Sometimes when I feel like it

    3. Neutral

    4. Not at all

  • Do you enjoy synchronizing the rhythm with another person or a group?

    1. Yes very much

    2. Sometimes

    3. Neutral

    4. Not at all

  • Do you enjoy stories with a good pacing and rhythm?

    1. Yes very much

    2. Sometimes

    3. Neutral

    4. I don’t mind

  • Do you enjoy the feeling of losing track of time when you are positively engaged with something? (A compelling task, an engaging conversation, exploring new places in a vacation etc.)

    1. Yes I love it

    2. Sometimes when it feels right

    3. Neutral

    4. Not at all

  • Do you enjoy being in the state of flow or being in the zone? When your present attention is fully focused on the task in front of you.

    1. Love it

    2. Sometimes

    3. Neutral

    4. Not at all

  • How often can you enter the state of flow/zone?

    1. Very often

    2. Sometimes

    3. Neutral

    4. Not at all

  • Do you enjoy the feeling of being absorbed or immersed in something? (Especially when playing a beautiful video game, reading great stories, playing competitive sports)

    1. Yes very much

    2. Sometimes

    3. Neutral

    4. Not at all

  • Do you enjoy the feeling when the sense of time evaporates and you become one with the world? (spiritual connection, meditation, praying etc)

    1. Yes very much

    2. Sometimes

    3. Neutral

    4. Not at all

  • Do you dislike waiting for something? (like buses or trains, a late person, boring work to end, apps loading)

    1. Yes I hate it

    2. Sometimes

    3. Neutral

    4. I don’t mind it

  • Do you enjoy being absorbed in daydreaming or imagining the past memories?

    1. Yes I love it

    2. Sometimes

    3. Neutral

    4. I don’t mind it

  • How often do you daydream?

    1. Very often

    2. Somewhat often

    3. Neutral

    4. Not at all

  • Do you daydream most about the past, present or future? Choose the ones applicable

    1. I daydream most about the past

    2. I daydream most about the present

    3. I daydream most about the future

    4. I daydream of all three of them

    5. I don’t daydream about such things

  • Do you enjoy talking about your memories of shared events with your loved ones?

    1. Yes very much

    2. Sometimes when the mood is right

    3. Neutral

    4. Not at all

  • Do you enjoy reading biographies or learning the life stories of other people?

    1. Love them

    2. Sometimes when I really like the person

    3. Neutral

    4. Not at all

  • Do you enjoy playing historical games or watching historical dramas? (Assassins Creed, Gladiator, Vikings, World War films)

    1. Love them

    2. Somewhat

    3. Neutral

    4. Not at all

  • Do you enjoy imagining a historical and/or futuristic scenario?

    1. Yes very much

    2. Sometimes

    3. Neutral

    4. Not at all

  • Do you enjoy time travel stories or time based superpowers?

    1. Love them

    2. Somewhat

    3. Neutral

    4. Not at all

  • Do you enjoy science fiction or futuristic stories?

    1. Love them

    2. Somewhat

    3. Neutral

    4. Not at all

  • Do you enjoy imagining a future that you want to live in? (better house, more money, more free time etc)

    1. Love it

    2. Sometimes

    3. Neutral

    4. Not at all

  • Do you often think about your mortality?

    1. I think it often

    2. Sometimes when I am reminded suddenly

    3. Neutral

    4. Not at all

  • Do you feel strongly affected by the fact that everyone you know is going to die at some point?

    1. Yes very much

    2. Sometimes when I am in a sad mood

    3. Neutral

    4. Not at all

Spatial Sense

  • How much pleasure do you get from spatial sense?

    1. High

    2. Moderate

    3. Neutral

    4. Low

  • How sensitive is your spatial sense?

    1. Highly sensitive

    2. Moderately sensitive

    3. Neutral

    4. Low

  • Are you good with directions and navigating yourself in an environment?

    1. Yes I am a natural

    2. Sometimes when it is familiar

    3. Neutral

    4. I am bad with directions

  • Do you overly rely on paper maps/google maps when navigating a new environment?

    1. Yes I need google maps

    2. Sometimes when it is complicated

    3. Neutral

    4. I don’t need any maps

  • Are you good at orienting yourself to the target destination regardless of how turned around you are?

    1. Yes I am very good

    2. Sometimes when the terrain is simple

    3. Neutral

    4. Not at all

  • Do you easily remember the paths you have walked or the roads you have driven?

    1. Yes very well

    2. Sometimes

    3. Neutral

    4. Not at all

  • Do you enjoy imagining the paths you have walked or driven?

    1. Yes very much

    2. Sometimes if it is beautiful

    3. Neutral

    4. Not at all

  • Do you enjoy mapping places you have visited previously?

    1. Yes very much

    2. Sometimes

    3. Neutral

    4. Not at all

  • Is it easy to imagine a bird’s eye view of a specific location?

    1. Yes very well

    2. Sometimes

    3. Neutral

    4. Not at all

  • Is it easy for you to track other people in a given space? (your teammates in the football pitch, your children in the playground, your friends in a house party etc)

    1. Yes very well

    2. Sometimes

    3. Neutral

    4. Not at all

  • Do you enjoy navigating in maze challenges?

    1. Yes very much

    2. Sometimes

    3. Neutral

    4. Not at all

  • Do you enjoy exploring new environments? (walking paths, travelling)

    1. Yes very much

    2. Sometimes

    3. Neutral

    4. Not at all

  • How often do you seek out new locations to explore?

    1. Very often

    2. Sometimes

    3. Neutral

    4. Not at all

  • Do you have a strong feeling of home sickness when you are travelling for a long time?

    1. Yes very strong and unbearable

    2. Sometimes when I was reminded of home

    3. Neutral

    4. Not at all

  • Do you feel a strong sense of home and belonging whenever you are with the people that you love?

    1. Yes very strong

    2. Sometimes

    3. Neutral

    4. Not at all

  • Do you feel at home anywhere in the world?

    1. Yes I carry the feeling of home with me wherever I go

    2. Sometimes when I have my houses in different countries

    3. Neutral

    4. Not at all

  • Do you love your home and your room?

    1. Yes very much

    2. Sometimes

    3. Neutral

    4. I don’t mind it

  • Do you have a strong need to arrange the furnitures of your room in a specific configuration? Do you enjoy arranging the spatial elements of your house?

    1. Yes very much

    2. Sometimes

    3. Neutral

    4. Not at all

  • Do you enjoy exploring virtual curated environments in video games? (open world games, adventure games, virtual museums)

    1. Yes very much

    2. Sometimes

    3. Neutral

    4. Not at all

  • Do you have a strong sense of claustrophobia or other spatial related phobias?

    1. Yes very strong

    2. Somewhat

    3. Neutral

    4. Not at all

  • Does the interior design of an indoor space affect your mood, emotions and relaxation?

    1. Yes very much

    2. Somewhat

    3. Neutral

    4. Not at all

  • Are you emotionally sensitive to the architectural layout of a building?

    1. Yes very much

    2. Somewhat

    3. Neutral

    4. Not at all

  • Do you enjoy open interior spaces or enclosed spaces where you can hide like a cat?

    1. I love open spaces

    2. I love enclosed spaces

    3. I don’t mind both

  • Do you enjoy being in a beautiful room or building?

    1. Yes very much

    2. Sometimes

    3. Neutral

    4. I don’t mind

  • Do you feel a special kind of mental sickness like the feeling of being trapped if you are stuck in the same environment for too long? (campus sickness, prison sickness, quarantine during covid etc.)

    1. Yes very much

    2. Sometimes

    3. Neutral

    4. Not at all

  • How easy is it for you to memorize interior spaces?

    1. Very easy

    2. Somewhat easy

    3. Neutral

    4. Not easy

  • Do you enjoy figuring out the spatial logic of a space?

    1. Yes very much

    2. Sometimes

    3. Neutral

    4. Not at all

  • Can you think and imagine in 3D easily?

    1. Yes very easily

    2. Somewhat

    3. Neutral

    4. Not at all

  • Can you rotate a 3D object in your mind easily?

    1. Yes very easily

    2. Somewhat

    3. Neutral

    4. Not at all

  • Do you enjoy designing or making objects in 3D?

    1. Yes very much

    2. Sometimes

    3. Neutal

    4. Not at all

  • Do you enjoy folding origami or other paper folding games like making a paper plane?

    1. Yes very much

    2. Sometimes

    3. Neutral

    4. Not at all

  • Can you use memory palace or mind maps to boost your memory? (Sherlock Holmes, memory champions)

    1. Yes very easily

    2. Somewhat

    3. Neutral

    4. Not at all

  • Do you enjoy using spatial memories to learn or remember difficult things? (names, phone numbers, dates, formulas etc)

    1. Yes very much

    2. Sometimes

    3. Neutral

    4. Not at all

Ken SageComment