Motivation Profile Questionnaire

Motivator 1: Narrative and Meaning (Athena)

  • How much are you motivated by narratives and stories?

    • Very motivated

    • Somewhat

    • Neutral

    • Not at all

  • Are you emotionally moved by personal stories? (overcoming a struggle, life experiences etc)

    • Yes very much

    • Sometimes

    • Neutral

    • Not at all

  • Are you emotionally moved by heroic and epic stories? (triumph, defeating evil, saving people)

    • Yes very much

    • Sometimes

    • Neutral

    • Not at all

  • Do you enjoy seeking out new stories to read and to learn? (ficitonal books, documentaries, biographies, films, video games, talking with new people)

    • Yes very much

    • Sometimes

    • Neutral

    • Not at all

  • Which stories do you enjoy more? Tragic stories or happy stories?

    • I like more tragic stories

    • I like more happy stories

    • I like both

    • Neutral

  • Do you enjoy reflecting on your own stories, memories and life experiences?

    • Yes very much

    • Sometimes

    • Neutral

    • Not at all

  • Do you enjoy sharing your anecdotes to others?

    • Yes very much

    • Sometimes

    • Neutral

    • Not at all

  • Do you enjoy constructing new stories, fictional worlds or epic narratives?

    • Yes very much

    • Sometimes

    • Neutral

    • Not at all

  • Are you strongly motivated by a sense of meaning in your life? (meaningful work, volunteering, helping others in a meaningful way, saving lives, saving endangered species)

    • Very motivated

    • Somewhat

    • Neutral

    • Not at all

  • Do you actively seek out meaning in the activities you do in life?

    • Yes very much

    • Sometimes

    • Neutral

    • Not at all

  • Do you feel like you want to improve the world in some way or improve the lives of others however small?

    • Yes very much

    • Sometimes

    • Neutral

    • Not at all

  • Are you strongly motivated by ideals and good causes?

    • Yes very much

    • Sometimes

    • Neutral

    • Not at all

  • Are you strongly motivated by a higher purpose?

    • Yes very much

    • Sometimes

    • Neutral

    • Not at all

  • Are you strongly motivated by ideologies? (political, cultural, religious etc)

    • Yes very much

    • Sometimes

    • Neutral

    • Not at all

  • Are you strongly motivated by religious/spiritual meaning in life?

    • Yes very much

    • Sometimes

    • Neutral

    • Not at all

  • Are you motivated by leaving a legacy after death?

    • Yes very much

    • Sometimes

    • Neutral

    • Not at all

Motivator 2: Progress and Accomplishment (Apollo)

  • How much are you motivated by a sense of progress?

    • Very motivated

    • Somewhat

    • Neutral

    • Not at all

  • Are you strongly motivated by self-improvement and personal growth?

    • Yes very much

    • Sometimes

    • Neutral

    • Not at all

  • Do you enjoy keeping track of your progress regularly? (fitness, education, skills, finance etc)

    • Yes very much

    • Sometimes

    • Neutral

    • Not at all

  • Are you strongly motivated by explicitly stated goals?

    • Yes very much

    • Sometimes

    • Neutral

    • Not at all

  • Are you motivated by small goals or big goals?

    • I like small baby goals

    • I like big goals

    • Depends on the task

    • Neutral

  • How much are you motivated to achieve many accomplishments?

    • Very motivated

    • Somewhat

    • Neutral

    • Not at all

  • Do you single-mindedly seek out an accomplishment that you care about?

    • Yes very much

    • Sometimes

    • Neutral

    • Not really

  • Do you enjoy the feeling of winning in a competitive game?

    • Yes very much

    • Sometimes

    • Neutral

    • Not really, I don’t like being competitive

  • Do you enjoy practicing and training to achieve the accomplishment that you are aiming for? Even if the practice is not inherently fun.

    • Yes very much

    • Sometimes

    • Neutral

    • Not really

  • Are you strongly motivated by climbing the ranks or the hierarchy to become the best?

    • Yes very much

    • Sometimes

    • Neutral

    • Not really

  • Are you strongly motivated by achieving a level of mastery? (sports, career, video games etc)

    • Yes very much

    • Sometimes

    • Neutral

    • Not really

  • Do you enjoy coming up with self-imposed challenges to accomplish for yourself?

    • Yes very much

    • Sometimes

    • Neutral

    • Not really

  • Do you enjoy pushing yourself beyond your boundries and limits?

    • Yes very much

    • Sometimes

    • Neutral

    • Not really

  • Do you enjoy bragging about your mastery and accomplishments to others?

    • Yes very much

    • Sometimes

    • Neutral

    • Not really

  • Do you enjoy the feeling of pride when looking back all the accomplishments you have conquered?

    • Yes very much

    • Sometimes

    • Neutral

    • Not really

  • Are you strongly motivated by improving your social status?

    • Yes very much

    • Sometimes

    • Neutral

    • Not really

  • Are you strongly motivated by getting a higher reputation?

    • Yes very much

    • Sometimes

    • Neutral

    • Not really

  • Are you strongly motivated by seeking fame and success in life?

    • Yes very much

    • Sometimes

    • Neutral

    • Not really

  • Do you enjoy overcoming a challenge with impossible odds?

    • Yes very much

    • Sometimes

    • Neutral

    • Not really

  • Do you enjoy the feeling of superiority that comes up authority and power?

    • Yes very much

    • Sometimes

    • Neutral

    • Not really

Motivator 3: Freedom and Creativity (Hermes)

  • How much are you motivated by a sense of freedom and self determination?

    • Very motivated

    • Somewhat

    • Neutral

    • Not really

  • Is it important for you to have meaningful choices in your life?

    • Very important

    • Somewhat

    • Neutral

    • Not really

  • Is it demotivating when the choices are taken away from you?

    • Yes very demotivating

    • Somewhat

    • Neutral

    • Not really

  • Is it stressful when there are too many choices to pick from?

    • Yes very stressful

    • Somewhat

    • Neutral

    • Not really

  • Are you strongly motivated by creativity?

    • Yes very much

    • Sometimes

    • Neutral

    • Not at all

  • Do you engage with many creative activities?

    • Yes many

    • A few

    • Just one

    • Neutral

    • Not at all

  • Do you enjoy expressing yourself and your emotions in a creative way?

    • Yes very much

    • Sometimes

    • Neutral

    • Not at all

  • Do you use creativity to cope with negative emotions and stressful challenges of life?

    • Yes very much

    • Sometimes

    • Neutral

    • Not at all

  • Do you enjoy finding patterns and solving puzzles in a creative way?

    • Yes very much

    • Sometimes

    • Neutral

    • Not at all

  • Do you enjoy the feeling of flow or being in the zone when you are fully engaged with a creative task?

    • Yes very much

    • Sometimes

    • Neutral

    • Not at all

  • Do you enjoy mixing and matching different elements in a creative activity into a unique combination?

    • Yes very much

    • Sometimes

    • Neutral

    • Not at all

  • Do you enjoy outwitting another person’s mind in a strategic game? (chess, multiplayer games, strategy games)

    • Yes very much

    • Sometimes

    • Neutral

    • Not at all

  • Do you enjoy coming up with creative strategies that the opponent cannot predict?

    • Yes very much

    • Sometimes

    • Neutral

    • Not at all

  • Are you strongly motivated by making your creative works as perfect as possible? Are you a perfectionist?

    • Yes very much

    • Sometimes depending on the work

    • Neutral

    • Not at all

  • Do you think in words or images?

    • I think in words

    • I think in images

    • Sometimes both

    • Neutral

  • Do you have a highly imaginative mind constantly coming up with new images and ideas?

    • Yes very much

    • Somewhat

    • Neutral

    • Not really

Motivator 4: Security and Physical Needs (Hera)

  • How much are you motivated by a feeling of security?

    • Very motivated

    • Somewhat

    • Neutral

    • Not at all

  • How much effort do you put in every day to maintain a level of security you are comfortable with?

    • A large amount of effort

    • Some effort

    • Neutral

    • Not at all

  • How strongly are you motivated by safety for yourself and your loved ones?

    • Very much

    • Somewhat

    • Neutral

    • Not at all

  • How strongly are you motivated to fulfill all the physical needs for yourself and your family?

    • Very much

    • Sometimes

    • Neutral

    • Not at all

  • Do you have people who rely on you in terms of resources? (children, elderly parents, sick family members)

    • Yes I have many who rely on me

    • A few

    • Neutral

    • I have no one who rely on me

  • How much control do you need to have in your life?

    • As much control as possible

    • Some control

    • Neutral

    • Not much

  • How strongly are you motivated by money and financial benefits?

    • Very much

    • Sometimes

    • Neutral

    • Not at all

  • How strongly are you motivated by achieving passive income and financial freedom?

    • Very much

    • Sometimes

    • Neutral

    • Not at all

  • Are you still strongly motivated to gain more money and resources even after you have reached a reasonable level of security?

    • Yes very much

    • Sometimes

    • Neutral

    • Not at all

  • Do you enjoy making money and engaging in the act of buying and selling?

    • Yes very much

    • Sometimes

    • Neutral

    • Not at all

  • Are you strongly motivated to achieve comfort and peace of mind?

    • Yes very much

    • Sometimes

    • Neutral

    • Not at all

  • Do you enjoy collecting certain things for your own pleasure?

    • Yes very much

    • Sometimes

    • Neutral

    • Not at all

  • Do you have a strong need to hoard valuable resources?

    • Yes very much

    • Sometimes

    • Neutral

    • Not at all

  • Do you value ownership over renting something or subscribing to a service? (house, streaming service, car etc)

    • Yes I value ownership

    • Sometimes depend on the product

    • Neutral

    • No, I don’t mind renting

  • Are you strongly motivated to create a predictable and safe environment for yourself and your family?

    • Yes very much

    • Sometimes

    • Neutral

    • Not at all

  • Are you willing to grind in unfulfilling jobs and activities if you can get a lot of money from them?

    • Yes I am very willing

    • Sometimes

    • Neutral

    • Not at all

Motivator 5: Social Connection and Love (Aphrodite)

  • How much are you motivated by social connection?

    • Very motivated

    • Somewhat

    • Neutral

    • Not at all

  • Do you need to have a well knit social circle with strong connections?

    • Yes very much

    • Somewhat

    • Neutral

    • Not at all

  • Are you very close to your family members? Do you have strong family values?

    • Yes very much

    • Somewhat

    • Neutral

    • Not at all

  • Do you have many close friends?

    • Yes many

    • A few

    • Just one

    • Neutral

    • None

  • Do you have many acquaintances?

    • Yes many

    • A few

    • Neutral

    • None

  • Are you strongly motivated to spend time with your close friends and family regularly?

    • Yes very much

    • Sometimes when it’s not too busy

    • Neutral

    • Not really

  • Are you strongly motivated to do shared activities together with your close friends and family?

    • Yes very much

    • Sometimes

    • Neutral

    • Not really

  • Are you strongly motivated to seek out new friends or new interesting people to talk with?

    • Yes very much

    • Sometimes

    • Neutral

    • Not really

  • Do you seek out new friends who are similar to you or you don’t mind being friends with people who are different? (upbringing background, same language, hobbies, interests etc)

    • Yes I seek out people who are similar

    • Both depending on the situation

    • Neutral

    • I am comfortable being friends with people who are different

  • Are you a part of many community groups that you identify with? (religious groups, local social groups, hobby groups, gaming groups, book clubs etc)

    • Yes many groups

    • Just a few

    • Neutral

    • Not really

  • Are you strongly motivated to put effort into contributing for the social group that you are a part of?

    • Yes very motivated

    • Somewhat

    • Neutral

    • Not really

  • Do you value loyalty to the group?

    • Yes very much

    • Somewhat

    • Neutral

    • Not really

  • Are you wary of strangers and people you don’t know?

    • Yes very much

    • Somewhat

    • Neutral

    • Not really

  • Are you afraid of strangers who might cause you harm?

    • Yes very much

    • Somewhat

    • Neutral

    • Not really

  • Do you enjoy working with others as a team?

    • Yes very much

    • Somewhat

    • Only with my loved ones

    • Neutral

    • Not really

  • Do you enjoy synchronizing your actions and effort with the team?

    • Yes very much

    • Somewhat

    • Neutral

    • Not really

  • Do you enjoy working alone more than being with a team?

    • Yes very much

    • Somewhat

    • Neutral

    • Not really

  • Are you strongly motivated to help out people who are in need? Even if they are strangers?

    • I help everyone including strangers

    • I help mostly my family and close friends

    • Neutral

    • Not really

  • Are you strongly motivated to donate time, money and energy to charities and groups that will help the poor and the disadvantaged?

    • Yes very much

    • Sometimes

    • Neutral

    • Not really

  • Are you strongly motivated to seek out romantic love with someone special?

    • Yes very much

    • Sometimes

    • Neutral

    • Not really

  • Are you strongly motivated to seek out a variety of different lovers?

    • Yes very much

    • Sometimes

    • Neutral

    • Not really

  • Do you have a strict list of criteria that you need to have in a lover or do you prefer to let the spontaneous feelings decide?

    • Yes I have a strict list

    • Both is required

    • Neutral

    • I prefer the feelings decide

  • Do you have high expectations for the person you want to date?

    • Yes high expectation

    • Modest expectation

    • Neutral

    • No expectation

  • Are you strongly motivated to spend time with the person you love?

    • Yes very much

    • Sometimes

    • Neutral

    • Not really

  • Are you strongly motivated to buy gifts for the person you love?

    • Yes very much

    • Sometimes

    • Neutral

    • Not really

  • Are you strongly motivated to be physically affectionate with the person you love?

    • Yes very much

    • Sometimes

    • Neutral

    • Not really

  • Are you strongly motivated to seek out pleasurable activities with the person you love?

    • Yes very much

    • Sometimes

    • Neutral

    • Not really

  • Are you strongly motivated to give genuine compliments and encouragements to the person you love?

    • Yes very much

    • Sometimes

    • Neutral

    • Not really

  • Are you strongly motivated to sacrifice yourself for or help the person you love? (house chores, supporting them, going the extra mile)

    • Yes very much

    • Sometimes

    • Neutral

    • Not really

  • Are you strongly motivated to take care of the person you love physically and mentally? (during sickness, soothing them if they are stressed, telling them stories before sleep etc)

    • Yes very much

    • Sometimes

    • Neutral

    • Not really

  • Do you spend a large share of your thinking time about people? (close friends, partner, family, work colleagues, work clients etc)

    • Yes very much

    • Sometimes

    • Neutral

    • Not really

  • Are you motivated to seek out something if it is recommended by people you care about? (movies, tv series, games etc)

    • Yes very much

    • Sometimes

    • Neutral

    • Not really

  • Do you enjoy sharing things you enjoy with people you care about and encourage them to seek it out as well?

    • Yes very much

    • Sometimes

    • Neutral

    • Not really

  • How do you act during an interpersonal conflict?

    • I resolve it as soon as possible

    • I confront it directly

    • I distance myself from it

    • I ignore it until I deal with it later

  • Do you feel excited by conflict or do you prefer to have no conflict?

    • I feel excited by it

    • Depending on the conflict if it’s serious or fun

    • Neutral

    • No conflict is the ideal situation

  • Do you enjoy mentoring and teaching things to newcomers?

    • Yes very much

    • Sometimes

    • Neutral

    • Not really

  • Do you enjoy gifting and giving rewards to people who have done a great job in your eyes?

    • Yes very much

    • Sometimes

    • Neutral

    • Not really

  • Do you enjoy giving gifts to your loved ones in special occasions? (birthday, christmas etc)

    • Yes very much

    • Sometimes

    • Neutral

    • Not really

  • Do you enjoy sharing food, money or other valuable resources with people you care about?

    • Yes very much

    • Sometimes

    • Neutral

    • Not really

  • Do you enjoy sharing food or gifts with your neighbours?

    • Yes very much

    • Sometimes

    • Neutral

    • Not really

Motivator 6: Scarcity and Essentialism (Demeter)

  • How much are you motivated by scarcity?

    • Very motivated

    • Somewhat

    • Neutral

    • Not at all

  • Are you strongly motivated to seek out scarce resources especially during times of disaster?

    • Yes very much

    • Somewhat

    • Neutral

    • Not at all

  • Are you strongly motivated to hoard valuable resources to prepare for a period of scarcity?

    • Yes very much

    • Somewhat

    • Neutral

    • Not at all

  • Are you strongly motivated to get something if the time is running out?

    • Yes very much

    • Somewhat

    • Neutral

    • Not at all

  • Are you strongly motivated to get something if it is discounted for a limited time?

    • Yes very much

    • Somewhat

    • Neutral

    • Not at all

  • Are you strongly motivated to purchase valuable things? (jewellery, perfumes, art works, expensive cars etc)

    • Yes very much

    • Somewhat

    • Neutral

    • Not at all

  • Do you enjoy buying valuable things not for yourself but for people you are close to? (partner, children, family, close friends, business partners etc)

    • Yes very much

    • Sometimes

    • Neutral

    • Not at all

  • Are you willing to pay more money if the object has a meaningful story and historical significance?

    • Yes very much

    • Somewhat

    • Neutral

    • Not at all

  • Do you enjoy participating and bidding in auctions?

    • Yes very much

    • Somewhat

    • Neutral

    • Not at all

  • Are you strongly motivated to buy off valuable things so you can sell it for a higher price later?

    • Yes very much

    • Somewhat

    • Neutral

    • Not at all

  • Do you enjoy showing off your valuable collections to other people?

    • Yes very much

    • Somewhat

    • Neutral

    • Not at all

  • Are you strongly motivated to buy something if it is touched by someone important? (historical figures, celebrities, royals, your ancestors etc)

    • Yes very much

    • Somewhat

    • Neutral

    • Not at all

  • Are you easily affected by a sense of urgency and fear of missing out?

    • Yes very much

    • Somewhat

    • Neutral

    • Not at all

  • Do you feel a strong sense of remorse after paying too much for something?

    • Yes very much

    • Sometimes

    • Neutral

    • Not at all

  • Do you become more creative and cunning during times of scarcity?

    • Yes very much

    • Sometimes

    • Neutral

    • Not at all

  • Do you enjoy getting exclusive offers that no one else can get?

    • Yes very much

    • Sometimes

    • Neutral

    • Not at all

  • Do you enjoy being treated as special and important by the customer service staff? (shopping, restaurant, hotel etc)

    • Yes very much

    • Sometimes

    • Neutral

    • Not at all

  • Are you strongly motivated to trade time with money? For example, if something takes too long or too much effort, do you prefer to pay and get it done quickly?

    • Yes very much

    • Sometimes

    • Neutral

    • Not at all

  • Do you value your time above everything else?

    • Yes very much

    • Sometimes

    • Neutral

    • Not at all

  • Are you strongly motivated to chase after something if it has just slipped away from your grasp? Losing it right before you own it.

    • Yes very much

    • Sometimes

    • Neutral

    • Not at all

  • Are you strongly motivated to play games of chance?

    • Yes very much

    • Sometimes

    • Neutral

    • Not at all

  • Are you strongly motivated to bet for an uncertain outcome?

    • Yes very much

    • Sometimes

    • Neutral

    • Not at all

  • Are you strongly motivated to pay more money for something you crave so you can get it immediately?

    • Yes very much

    • Sometimes

    • Neutral

    • Not at all

Motivator 7: Curiosity and Exploration (Artemis)

  • How much are you motivated by a feeling of curiosity?

    • Very motivated

    • Somewhat

    • Neutral

    • Not at all

  • Do you enjoy seeking out knowledge when you are curious of something?

    • Yes very much

    • Somewhat

    • Neutral

    • Not at all

  • How much are you curious of the world and the universe?

    • Very curious

    • Somewhat

    • Neutral

    • Not at all

  • How much are you curious of other people?

    • Very curious

    • Somewhat

    • Neutral

    • Not at all

  • How much are you curious about yourself and discovering more about yourself?

    • Very curious

    • Somewhat

    • Neutral

    • Not at all

  • How much are you curious of new and hot things?

    • Very curious

    • Somewhat

    • Neutral

    • Not at all

  • How much are you curious of old and vintage things?

    • Very curious

    • Somewhat

    • Neutral

    • Not at all

  • Are you strongly motivated to seek out novelty in your life?

    • Yes very much

    • Sometimes

    • Neutral

    • Not at all

  • Are you strongly motivated to explore the world and travel to new places?

    • Yes very much

    • Sometimes

    • Neutral

    • Not really

  • Are you strongly motivated to seek out new experiences in life you have never done before?

    • Yes very much

    • Sometimes

    • Neutral

    • Not really

  • Are you strongly motivated to explore different sides of yourself? (career, interests, spirituality, wild side, intellectual side, artistic side etc)

    • Yes very much

    • Sometimes

    • Neutral

    • Not really

  • Do you enjoy seeking out private secrets and gossip of other people? (celebrities, classmates, work colleagues, relatives etc)

    • Yes very much

    • Sometimes

    • Neutral

    • Not really

  • Do you enjoy getting surprises? (gifts, rewards, visits, reunion etc)

    • Yes very much

    • Sometimes

    • Neutral

    • Not really

  • Do you enjoy planning a surprise for someone you care about?

    • Yes very much

    • Sometimes

    • Neutral

    • Not really

  • Are you strongly motivated to seek out more wisdom in life?

    • Yes very much

    • Sometimes

    • Neutral

    • Not really

  • Do you feel very thrilled to seek out adventures and some amount of danger?

    • Yes very much

    • Sometimes

    • Neutral

    • Not at all

  • Are you highly curious of the deeper mysteries of life?

    • Yes very curious

    • Somewhat

    • Neutral

    • Not at all

  • Are you strongly motivated to solve and find answers for the mysteries you come across?

    • Yes very much

    • Somewhat

    • Neutral

    • Not at all

  • Do you enjoy the thrill of chasing?

    • Yes very much

    • Somewhat

    • Neutral

    • Not at all

  • Do you enjoy the thrill of being chased?

    • Yes very much

    • Somewhat

    • Neutral

    • Not at all

Motivator 8: Fear, Rage and Panic (Hades)

  • How much are you motivated by fear?

    • Very motivated

    • Somewhat

    • Neutral

    • Demotivated

  • How do you react when you come across a fearful situation?

    • I fight back the fear

    • I flee in terror

    • I become frozen and confused

    • I don’t feel fear and act rationally

    • All of them depends on the situation

  • Are you strongly motivated by the fear of the unknown?

    • Very motivated

    • Somewhat

    • Neutral

    • Demotivated

  • Are you strongly motivated by the fear of loss? (family, relationship, security, possessions)

    • Very motivated

    • Somewhat

    • Neutral

    • Demotivated

  • Are you strongly motivated by the fear of failure or becoming a failure?

    • Very motivated

    • Somewhat

    • Neutral

    • Demotivated

  • Are you strongly motivated by the fear of being judged negatively by others?

    • Very motivated

    • Somewhat

    • Neutral

    • Demotivated

  • Are you strongly motivated by the fear of being abandoned by your loved ones?

    • Very motivated

    • Somewhat

    • Neutral

    • Demotivated

  • Are you strongly motivated by the fear of being stuck with no self growth?

    • Very motivated

    • Somewhat

    • Neutral

    • Demotivated

  • Are you strongly motivated by the fear of change and uncertainty?

    • Very motivated

    • Somewhat

    • Neutral

    • Demotivated

  • Are you strongly motivated by the fear of losing face, reputation or credibility?

    • Very motivated

    • Somewhat

    • Neutral

    • Demotivated

  • Are you strongly motivated by the fear of God or a higher power who will punish you if you do immoral actions?

    • Very motivated

    • Somewhat

    • Neutral

    • Demotivated

  • Are you strongly motivated by the fear of going to hell after your death?

    • Very motivated

    • Somewhat

    • Neutral

    • Demotivated

  • Are you strongly motivated by other kinds of phobias that plague your everyday life?

    • Very motivated

    • Somewhat

    • Neutral

    • Demotivated

  • Are you strongly motivated by your past traumatic events in your life?

    • Very motivated

    • Somewhat

    • Neutral

    • Not at all

  • Do you actively use anger to hide your fear and motivate yourself?

    • Yes very much

    • Somewhat

    • Neutral

    • Not at all

  • Are you strongly motivated by things or people that make you angry?

    • Yes very much

    • Somewhat

    • Neutral

    • Not at all

  • Do you use controlled anger in a competitive setting to motivate yourself?

    • Yes very much

    • Sometimes

    • Neutral

    • Not at all

  • Are you strongly motivated by anger when something precious to you is attacked? (your children, valuable possessions, beliefs etc)

    • Yes very much

    • Sometimes

    • Neutral

    • Not at all

  • Are you strongly motivated to seek out revenge against an opponent who have won against you in the past?

    • Yes very much

    • Sometimes

    • Neutral

    • Not at all

  • Are you strongly motivated by grudges for people who have wronged you in the past?

    • Yes very much

    • Sometimes

    • Neutral

    • Not at all

  • Do you feel outraged by some people’s immoral and disgusting behaviours?

    • Yes very much

    • Sometimes

    • Neutral

    • Not at all

  • Are you strongly motivated to vent your outrage on the internet or to your close people?

    • Yes very much

    • Sometimes

    • Neutral

    • Not at all

  • Are you strongly motivated to humiliate and to destroy the reputations of immoral people?

    • Yes very much

    • Sometimes

    • Neutral

    • Not at all

  • Do you feel intense levels of panic when you are about to lose something precious? (a game, relationship breakup, death of a family member etc)

    • Yes very much

    • Sometimes

    • Neutral

    • Not at all

  • Are you strongly motivated to do everything in your power to avoid losing something precious?

    • Yes very much

    • Sometimes

    • Neutral

    • Not at all

  • If you are a parent, do you feel a lot of panic if your children hasn’t come back home or hasn’t contacted you for a while?

    • Yes very much

    • Sometimes

    • Neutral

    • Not at all

  • Do you feel intense panic when your children or pets are sick, hurt or in danger?

    • Yes very much

    • Sometimes

    • Neutral

    • Not at all

  • Do you intensely miss your loved one if they are far away from you for a long time?

    • Yes very much

    • Sometimes

    • Neutral

    • Not at all

  • Are you strongly motivated to reunite with your loved one as soon as possible?

    • Yes very much

    • Sometimes

    • Neutral

    • Not at all

  • Do you feel exhausted by feeling too much negative emotions all the time?

    • Yes very much

    • Sometimes

    • Neutral

    • Not at all

  • Do you feel a rollarcoaster of positive and negative emotions every day?

    • Yes very much

    • Sometimes

    • Neutral

    • Not at all

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